Morten Nielsen

Morten Nielsen

Morten Nielsen is a trained actor from the National Theatre School of Denmark in 1992. He has over 20 years been working freelance on small and large theaters all over Denmark, smaller experimental groups, over the bigger Region theatres and at The Royal Theatre. In addition, he teaches at workshops and gives lectures.

He was co-creator of the show HOSTAGE in 2007 which takes place in a bus running in traffic with the audience as passengers. Morten plays the role of the Danish / Pakistani man Samir. HOSTAGE won a Reumert in 2008, and Morten’s experience from this performance is the main inspiration for Through Different Eyes. For Global Stories, Morten also works as a researcher and artistic collaborator at several projects. In his work he focuses mainly on the search for the credibility of the artistic process in relation to his everyday life surrounding.